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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Specialised Services - TheBenefits of Using an Entertainment

If you work within the music
industry, hiring the specialised
services of a niche
entertainment accountant can
really help you to keep control
of your money and build on your success. While it's
certainly true that any generic
accountant could help you
with your bookkeeping and
tax returns, in this day of
specialists and niche services, it makes sense to use somebody
who really understands what
you do and the bearing this
can have on your finances.

Whatever part of the industry
you work in, whether you're
famous musician, an emerging
artist, or a freelancer who
works behind the scenes, a
music accountant will have the firsthand knowledge that's
required in order to identify
the best tax breaks and the
best ways to limit your liability
to HMRC, subsequently saving
you money and helping you to keep a more healthy
percentage of your sales and

Another benefit of using a
specialist entertainment
accountant is the fact that they
can help you to keep up with
changes that may affect your
industry. Consumer habits are forever on the move,
especially in the new digital
age where profits can be
generated via the Internet as
opposed to more traditional,
physical sales - these things can have a considerable impact on
the way you manage your
finances and ensure
compliance. What's more, your
entertainment or music
accountant will always have a real time record of exactly
where you stand financially, so
you'll always know what
you've got to play with and
what tax you're going to have
to pay at the end of the year.